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education and academic qualifications

2006Habilitation, University of Mannheim
postdoctoral dissertation: "Soziale Gruppen in der Stadt – das Beispiel der Zünfte in Straßburg"
1996PhD, University of Konstanz
dissertation: "Der observante Dominikaner Johannes Mulberg († 1414) und der Basler Beginenstreit", funded by the German Academic Scholarship Foundation
1991Master of Arts ("Magister") and teacher's first state examiniation ("1. Staatsexamen")
studies in German, Politics and History, University of Konstanz and Università degli Studi dell' Aquila, Italy


academic career

2025-2027elected as a professorial member of the Equal Opportunities Commission for the entire University of Cologne
2022-2027member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Zukunftskolleg at the University of Constance
2021-2025elected member of the faculty council (Engere Fakultät) / Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Cologne
2021research stay at Università di Bologna, Italy (5 weeks)
2017W. John Bennett Distinguished Visiting Scholar, Pontifical Institute and Center for Medieval Studies, University of Toronto, CA
2014Fellow, Morphomata International Center for Advanced Studies, Universität zu Köln
since 2011Chair of Medieval History (W3), University of Cologne
2010Senior Fellow, Zukunftkolleg, University of Konstanz as part of the Excellence Initiative
2007(temporary) Academic Councillor, University of Mannheim
2007research grant provided by the German Historical Institute Paris
2002-2004Gerda Henkel research grant for the project "Die Zünfte in Straßburg"
since 1998lecturer at the universities of Konstanz, Luzern (Switzerland), Stuttgart and Mannheim
1997Postdoc, University of California, Berkeley, USA (funded by the German Research Foundation)
