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PhD students

PhD students (first supervision)

Carolin Schmitz

Die beinverarbeitenden Handwerke im spätmittelalterlichen Basel (working titel)

E-mail: carolin.schmitz(at)

PhD students (second supervision)

Simon Götz

University of Constance

Rechenschaft ablegen: Frömmigkeit, Ökonomie und Klosterreform um 1500. Das Konstanzer Frauenkloster Zoffingen

Elena Magli

Former doctoral students (first supervision)

former doctoral students (second supervision)

Dr. Irina Dudar

Dr. Christoph Burdich

Dr. Marina Riess

Dr. Patrick Breternitz

Pippin und das Recht (2019)

Dr. Joshua Robert Burson

Yale University
The Relationship Between the City of Constance and its Hinterland in the Fifteenth Century (2009)
