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Habilitation projects


PD' Dr.' Julia Bruch

Sammeln und auswählen, ordnen und deuten
Geschichte(n) schreibende Handwerker und ihre Chroniken im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert

This project examines urban chronicles from the 15th and 16th centuries written by craftsmen. Focusing on nine chroniclers from six German-speaking cities, the study analyzes the manuscripts both in terms of their content and materiality. It explores how craftsmen engaged in historiography, the sources they used, and how they positioned themselves in urban conflicts. Additionally, the project develops a new internal classification of urban chronicles, highlighting their function as a form of knowledge organization and historical writing.

The habilitation procedure was successfully completed in 2022.

Dr.' Eva-Maria Cersovsky

Ongoing habilitation project: Hof und Handwerk in der Krone Aragón (13.-15. Jahrhundert)
